Home » Twelve reasons to drop everything and run to your local library
Twelve reasons to drop everything and run to your local library
August 5, 2008
Twelve reasons to drop everything and run to your local library
Books: Escape the rat race through travel, fiction or fantasy. Consider a biography, history, or how-to. Try something completely different, or revisit an old friend.
Books on Tape: Sit back and relax in a comfortable chair or cruise in your car while listening to a real thriller.
Special holdings: There are treasures for fact finding – Check out your local lore or state holdings in the reference section.
Magazines and Journals: Peruse the periodicals. You may find a teaser into a new genre that you wouldn’t have considered.
Newspapers: Check out the local news from around your state or beyond our borders.
Kids– Jugglers, storytellers, musicians, magicians, arts, and crafts and more- there’s plenty for kids of all ages.
Bargains – Check out the deals on bargain books. You can build your own library with many of the quality used books offered for sale. Ask your librarian about upcoming book sales.
DVDs – Great performances, concerts, self-improvement – all kinds of dvds are available for free.
Explore new music – So much good music gets little to no airplay. Treat yourself to some ear candy.
Lectures – Many libraries offer opportunities for intellectually stimulating discussions through book clubs, classes, or lectures.
Rest – The peace and tranquility of most libraries are conducive to both research and relaxation, so sit a spell.
Passes – Pick up passes to museums, exhibits, and festivals.
I LOVE this article! More people should definitely take advantage of their local libraries! With all the great reasons listed here as to why you should go, how could you not?? The resources available are priceless!
Great post!! Our local library is new and has computer software as well.
Our downtown Cincinnati library has a rare book department that has some books written by hand.
You have to read them in a special room on camera while wearing gloves. Fun stuff I say!!
Great title, I’m all for for this sentiment!
Agree with you 100%.
Dittos from a library rat.
My only complaint about the library of today vs. my childhood library is that people have forgotten how to whisper and they have no idea how to silence the ringer on their cell phones.
My childhood librarian would have strangulated someone for that.
Well, since I work at the local library, I am there 5 days out of 7 now! HA!
Great article though, Rob. Besides the books on cassette tape, our library also has books on CD and in Mp3 format as well as some individual titles on what we call Playaways–each is like an individual mp3 player you can listen to with headphones while you are exercising or walking or jogging and such.
A library I worked at previously had paintings (prints) from various artists that could be borrowed to hang on your walls at home.
Also many libraries offer a wide variety of programs from story hours for the little ones to crafts for senior citizens and much more.
Good post and I definitely agree! I’m a big fan of my local library!
Wow excellent and I do head to my local library once a month. Wish more often, if there were more interesting and less cuts.
Ah, you didn’t list my favorite part of libraries: their 25-cent book sales! Mmm, yes you have to dig and search a bit, but I generally always come out with a new (well, old…truthfully) book.
As a part-time librarian & a part-time artist, I must point out that you seem to have forgotten the art most libraries display on a rotational basis. Quite often the artists are local (sometimes they’re not, of course,) but they all appreciate the exposure!
Excellent post. I think far to many people take libraries for granted. There are countries where one does not have access to books to purchase never mind being able to borrow them for free.
Two more: a quiet place to take a nap and free wireless.