Friends, bloggers, countrymen lend me you ear (no Van Gogh I was speaking metaphorically). Rob’s Megaphone is observing a moment (or two or three) of silence. Two hours and twenty two minutes ago, many visitors brought fourth upon Rob’s Megaphone new comments. Comments conceived in liberty, but now are being held prisoner. Comments which here to fore resided prominently in glorious splendor for all to see.
It is with unspeakable disappointment that I must acknowledge at this time that Rob’s Megaphone is experiencing technical difficulties posting comments – difficulties beyond which mere mortal minds have been able to resolve. The poignant, provocative, philosophic, intellectually stimulating reflections of my visitors have fallen on rocky soil. And like the little poppy seeds struggling against all odds to become a mighty oak, new magical comments are taking root upon this very blog, but I can neither see them nor retrieve them. Yet, with every ounce of my being, I pledge to rescue your responses from the abyss. I will bring them back from beyond this mysterious blog hole. And I will approve them to take their rightful place alongside the great, great hall of visitors that give meaning to that which we call Rob’s Megaphone. Can I get an “Amen”.
BTW: I hope to have this Comment Management problem resolved in the morning when wordpress support wakes up. Cheers and Goodnight – R