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A few more Ba-Dum-Ch Jokes

A few more Ba-Dum-Ch Jokes



A couple of weeks ago, Rob’s Megaphone posted some hilarious “Ba-Dum-Ch” jokes which were submitted

by visitors. If you missed them, those jokes can be found HERE


Below are some New “Ba-Dum-Ch” Jokes along with the blog which submitted them. I hope you take a moment to visit the blog of those who submitted.

As always, if you would like to submit one (or more), just leave it in my Comments. Thanks.



 “Ba-Dum-Ch” Jokes

(including the submitting blog)


Q:How do you please a man?
A:Who cares?



Q. What does a raincloud wear under his pants?

A. Thunderwear

Ba dump ching

Please try the veal.


Q. How does a man show he’s planning for the future?

A. He buys two cases of beer instead of one.



Why is the time of the day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Points to Ponder:

If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

If swimming is good for your shape, then why do whales look like they do?

If space is vacuum, who changes the bags?

If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?

If you jog backward, do you gain weight?




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