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Online slang: fad or here to stay?

Will online slang like OMG, IMO, lol, and LMHO fizzle out like a fad or…

Silly Signs #31: Signs that make you go Hmmmmmmmm!

Β That’s one way to end your worries Maybe if they used someone who actually GRADUATED!!!…

Silly signs #30: Come n ‘git it: used food for sale!

You can really talk ’em down on the price for that used food. Police don’t…

Ain’t this is a GAS!

Gone are the days of multiple trips. Β 

Silly Signs #29: What were they thinking?

limit 2 cases . . . ? I guess the other side says: Do not…

Silly News 13: Must have criminal record

I think I’ve been a passenger in one of their cabs.

Journalists today: how would you grade them?

For years journalists have received mixed reviews. How do you feel about the job they…

Silly sign #28: I’ll take the F

I’ll take the F Β  I guess this qualifies as a sign Β 

Random Facts 9

Erosion at the base of Niagara Falls (USA) undermines the shale cliffs and as a…

Pneuma, Pneuma

My pal, Paul over at Paul’s World of Funky StuffΒ is a little under the weather.…

Worst hunter vs dumbest deer


Sanity tester

Find the moving circle.

Silly News 12