Silly Headlines 3

Stewardesses. Stewardesses, Stewardesses Why am I posting about Stewardesses? The answer is I hurt my…

Write good 5

1.   A writer must not shift your point of view. 2.   Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!…

Silly news 2
Silly Sign #23


Odd words: Interrobang

INTERROBANG/ˈɪnˈtɛrəʊbæŋ/ A combined exclamation mark and question mark. This punctuation mark is not yet standard,…

Welcome Lander University

To members of the Lander University Community: Welcome to Rob’s Megaphone Please have a look around…

Silly Signs #22

  Maybe it would help if I spoke the language, but if I were approaching…

Silly News
Random facts 5

Any month that has a Friday the 13th also has a Wednesday the 25th. John…

Overcoming writer’s block

Many of us have experienced it: the urge to write, but nothing – no words,…

Odd words (H) Ha-ha

HA-HA/ˈhɑːhɑː/ A boundary to a park or garden that doesn’t interrupt the view. You can…

Silly Signs #21:
Silly Sign #20


Write Good 4: Don’t wright like this.

1.   Use youre spell chekker to avoid mispeling and to catch typograhpical errers. 2.   Don’t…

Last night I was 4,000. Today, I’m over 30,000

Yesterday, soon after waking up – coffee in hand, I prepared my post on gurning. I checked…

Odd words: (G) GURNING

GURNING The pulling of grotesque faces. This British term — much better known in Britain…

Write Good 3: subtly blatant

  1.      The passive voice should not be used. 2.      Go around the barn at…

Silly headlines: dead funny
Odd words: Floccinaucinihilipilification (once longest word)

FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION/flɒksɪˌnɔːsɪˌnɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˌkeɪʃn/ The action or habit of judging something to be worthless. Back in the eighteenth…