Taking requests

Submit any English grammar questions to me via the comments link. I’ll do my best…

Are you a grammar wizard?

Take the Are you a grammar wizard? quiz   and find out!!!!!   Note: Hey, I just…

A little bit of Mayberry

[rockyou id=105611198&w=426&h=319]

Got style?

Do you have style?  Let’s find out. Take a glance at some rules of style.…

Survey Time –>

Since Adam and Eve, grammarians have insisted: Thou shalt never end a sentence with a…

Evolving Language

By Robert Stevenson With over 600,000 words, English contains more words than any language in…

English handbook . . . for the game of your life

 So you’ve finally mastered the technical intricacies of connecting the VCR to the TV, but…

If punctuation marks were people

To play along, imagine yourself in the following scenario. You’re invited to a party where…

Is Democracy in Danger

Despite recently seeing Disney’s Chicken Little, a lively sequel chock full of incredible claims of…

“Does it sound right?”…………………doesn’t work anymore

A few days ago, a friend of mine struck up a conversation with me concerning…