Home » Telescope Mirrors Focus of Next Science on Tap
Telescope Mirrors Focus of Next Science on Tap

Telescope Mirrors Focus of Next Science on Tap
Greenwood, SC (February 28, 2020) – ‘Science on Tap’ will be held on Tuesday, March 10th at 6pm at Lander University’s Science Center, Room 150. Science on Tap is a community lecture series designed to highlight some of the scientific work and expertise in the Greenwood area.
The March event will feature K. Lisa Brodhacker, PhD, Professor of Chemistry at Lander University. She will present “Spinning the Way to a Perfect Telescope Mirror.”
Dr. Brodhacker’s research focuses on the technology and development of epoxy telescope mirrors that are lighter, more durable and less expensive than traditional glass mirrors.
Before the presentation, a pre-event social will take place in the Science Center Room 119. The presentation will be followed by time for discussion and questions.
Science on Tap is an initiative started and organized by the Greenwood Genetic Center. “This program originated as a way for local scientists from a variety of disciplines to share their expertise in an informal and accessible way with the broader Greenwood community,” said Leta Tribble, Director of Education at the Greenwood Genetic Center.
The public is invited, and the event is free to attend.
See Greenwood Calendar Video of Lisa Broadhacker..
Dr. Brodhacker’s knowledge around this topic is astounding. What an exciting event and I’m certain many will benefit. Great job Dr. Brodhacker, keep up the great work. May God bless your labor!