Home » Salvation Army ‘Drive for Hope’ to be held Dec. 12
Salvation Army ‘Drive for Hope’ to be held Dec. 12

Salvation Army ‘Drive for Hope’ to be held Dec. 12
WCRS Radio will host the “Drive for Hope” on Sunday, Dec. 12, for toys and monetary donations to the Angel Tree Program of the Salvation Army of Greenwood.
The toy drive, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., will be in the parking lot of Ollie’s Bargain Outlet, located at 1360 S.C. Highway 72, and feature a “live remote” broadcast from WCRS as volunteers work to stuff the Salvation Army truck with toys.
In addition, the Salvation Army also will distribute coats and jackets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., thanks to a donation of these items from FOX Carolina in Greenville. People needing a coat or jacket are asked to bring a picture ID to the Drive for Hope event.
Children will have the chance to have their photos taken with a fire truck and check out
the Command Center of the Greenwood County Sheriff’s Department. Food trucks, holiday music and prize giveaways are other features of the event.
The Salvation Army Angel Tree, Toys for Tots and Tommy Claus have partnered this year to provide Christmas toys to children in need, said Maj. Jason Hughes of the Salvation Army in Greenwood.
“The toys that are donated will support their combined efforts in bringing HOPE into their lives,” he said.
The Angel Tree Program provides a critical service to children and their families each year, said Anne Eller, the award-winning broadcaster and owner of WCRS Radio.
“Without community donations, hundreds of children in the Greenwood area would not have toys for Christmas. The generosity of our Lakelands community cannot be measured, and we are looking forward to a successful ‘Drive for Hope’ to help children through age 12,” she said. “We want to stuff the truck and reach out to as many children as possible.”
The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program began in 1979 in Virginia and quickly spread throughout the nation. Today, the program reaches children throughout the United States through the Salvation Army’s ministry.
The regular sign-up period for the toy programs has ended, with more 650 children signed up. However, there are still new emergencies that take place in November and December, which lead people to need help now, Hughes said.
“These situations include persons who have lost their job, who had to go on medical leave, persons who have had house fires and lostthe Christmas that they had provided. We know that there is no deadline on emergency needs in our community.” he said.
“We are grateful to have this opportunity to partner with WCRS Radio, Toys for Tots and
Tommy Claus for this event! This will help us to bring HOPE to the lives of these
children. For that, we say, ‘thank you!’ to each of these groups and to everyone who
bring toys and donations for these children,” he said.
For information about the Toy Drive, call Anne Eller at WCRS Radio at 864-229-7984.
For information about The Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, call 864-229-3407, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.