Hi! This is Robert Stevenson with Greenwood Calendar. In my wanderings around the world for 54 years, I’ve accumulated some peeves (I can’t really call them pet peeves.)
Now that I just celebrated another birthday, I feel I’m getting closer to becoming older and wiser. Hence, from time to time, I will be sharing my thoughts on Southern Hospitality. (No, I wasn’t actually born in the South, but Greenwood is my Hometown!)
Here’s my first Top 10 List
- When stopping at an intersection intending to go straight, choose the left lane and leave the right lane open for someone hoping to turn right on red.
2. When you’re driving parallel to another car in the left lane, note that the left lane is also known as the passing lane.
3. When sitting in a closed environment, such as a doctor’s office, avoid the orchestra. Turn your phone’s cute sound effects off.
4. When your favorite band belts out a new bass booming ballad while you’re in your boss ride, spare us the free concert. Roll up your windows!
5. When you’re in line at Walmart speaking on your hands-free phone – Stop! We don’t need to know your dinner plans.
6. When you disagree on someone’s facebook post, make your point well in one comment. Don’t hijack someone’s post by leaving your wise words on everyone else’s comments.
7. When a pedestrian is waiting to cross your path, let them go. When the teen behind you beeps at you for your generosity, wave with all five fingers.
8. Remember how nice it was when you received a nice card? Send thank you notes.
9. When you think you’re right, and the old man is wrong – Respect your elders.
10. When you see someone throw a wrapper on the ground, remember there are two kinds of people – those who litter and those who help keep America Beautiful.
Thanks for listening. I’d love to add your words of wisdom to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Dr. Rob
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