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Opinions on Immigration and Covid-19 Restrictions
April 23, 2020

Today we are sharing a chart showing the volume of green card applications submitted on a quarterly basis since 2014 to help support coverage on immigration. President Donald Trump claimed Wednesday that he had signed an executive order “temporarily suspending immigration into the United States.”
Also, a survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found a majority of Americans say it won’t be safe to lift social distancing guidelines anytime soon, running counter to the choice of a handful of governors who have announced plans to ease.
To help support our coverage on this story, we are sharing three new interactives that show the percentage of Americans who are in favor of the restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If this email isn’t displaying correctly, you can also view it in your browser. Green card applications by immigrants seeking permanent residency in the U.S. since FY 2014. Preview To embed, insert the code into your CMS: Majorities of Americans favor restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Preview To embed, insert the code into your CMS: A majority of adults think restrictions are appropriate to combat COVID-19 Preview To embed, insert the code into your CMS:
Watch this video. I believe we have reached the time in our history where the people are willing to give up their liberty for the false sense of security. We have seen this does not bode well in the past. Look at the Weimar Republic or the current situation in South Africa.
https://youtu.be/eTHARYfVTZM. This from a Constitutional sheriff.