Home » SCDHEC Greenwood Covid-19 Update: November 27
SCDHEC Greenwood Covid-19 Update: November 27
November 27, 2020

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced the following COVID-19 updates. Greenwood reportedly saw 34 additional positive cases.
Today’s cases and deaths (scdhec.gov/COVID19)
- New confirmed/probable total cases: 1,777/38 Summary click here
- New confirmed/probable total deaths: 28/1 Summary click here
Cumulative totals (scdhec.gov/COVID19)
- Confirmed and probable cases: 199,538/13,582
- Confirmed and probable deaths: 4,043/303
- Tests performed for South Carolinians: 2,639,859
Testing opportunities (scdhec.gov/COVID19testing)
- Testing opportunities available statewide: 237
There may be limited testing over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Make sure that you read all the additional information for the site listing carefully and, when possible, call ahead to the testing site to confirm hours before you visit.