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Greenwood County Sees Dramatic Growth in Economic Investments
Greenwood County Sees Dramatic Growth in Economic Investments
Greenwood, S.C. – Greenwood County’s Economic Development activity from August 2020 through October 2021 exceeded the previous three years combined. With $257.5 million in capital investments and 226 new jobs, Greenwood County is experiencing record-breaking industrial growth.
“When existing industries in the county are your greatest advocates for industrial expansion, you know that we have something special here,” says James Bateman, Economic Development Director for Greenwood County. “The resounding theme behind their support is the quality and commitment of our workforce that is very much in demand today.”
A shining example of industries who are sold on Greenwood County is Lonza who invested $74 million in the expansion of its operations, marking the highest investment in the county since 2016. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Lonza harnesses science and technology to create products that enhance the overall quality of life for patients and consumers around the world. “Greenwood was chosen for this investment because of one of its greatest resources – its people,” Travis Dover, Vice President of Global Operations, said. “We’ve been a part of this community for more than 50 years and we are choosing to grow here because our workforce is able, capable and qualified. We worked with the Greenwood County Economic Development team from the very beginning. It was, in large part, their dedication and support starting in August 2020 that made this project possible to announce in February 2021.”
Monti, a leading manufacturer of electrical components and finish coater of epoxy and powder coatings, announced that it would create 16 new jobs and invest $4.7 million through acquisition of an 86,501- square-foot facility. “This is our fourth expansion in the past six years in Greenwood County, and it is driven by the increased demand from our customers” Nick LaVigne, Director of Greenwood Manufacturing Operations, said. “Greenwood has proven to be an ideal location for many reasons including the quality of the talent pool and the support we’ve received from our partners at the county level. In fact, when the expansion opportunity was put on the table my first call was to James and his team at Greenwood County.”
Impresa Building Systems of Greenwood SC, LLC, an affiliate company of Impresa Modular, also announced their plans to establish their first, branded, system-built home factory in Greenwood County in 2021. The more than $9 million investment will create 180 new jobs – the most created by a single project in the county in the past five years. “We are excited to be making the move to Greenwood County,” Dan Hobbs, President, Impresa Building Systems of Greenwood, SC, LLC, said. “Greenwood was chosen due to its location, skilled labor and investment of all those involved in the search process. This facility will provide our high-quality, private label designed homes to the southeast region, an underserved and booming market.”
“The record-breaking growth that we experienced in just 14 months is a clear indication of Greenwood County’s ongoing success,” Chuck Moates, Greenwood County Council chairman, said. “The impressive number of economic investments we have seen is proof of our pro-business policies, talented and hardworking citizens, and high quality of life.”
The forecast for 2022 is on track to be another successful year thanks to the close relationships Greenwood County Economic Development has with our existing industries and allies in our recruitment efforts. “We have had a busy schedule of prospects visiting our county throughout the first quarter of 2022,” concludes Bateman. “Our outlook