Home » 125+ Short, Awesome Videos about Greenwood, SC
125+ Short, Awesome Videos about Greenwood, SC

Watch features about the people, places, and events in and around Greenwood. Hear from city and county leaders about what’s important to you? See clips of local entertainment, glimpses behind the scenes, and peeks at what’s to come? Greenwood Calendar has all that and more. . . The channel lineup grows rather quickly, so check back often. The channel lineup is as follows: 1. A minute with the mayor, 2. Businesses, 3. Community, 4. Entertainment/Arts, 5. Features, 6. Fundraisers/Benefits, 7. Music, 8. News, 9. Profiles, 10. Theatre.
A Minute with the Mayor: Springfest – Watch out Greenville, Greenwood Rocks WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Golf, Art, and Mom WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Burpees WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Crazy About Webb Wilder WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Festival of Discovery, Watch out Saisbury, NC WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: May Punks Musician who does a good impersonation WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Oktoberfest WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Fave Band: Brown Sugar Substitute WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Uptown Market WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Uptown Market 2 WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Christmas WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Man of the Year WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor 3 – Halloween WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Worst Decision Ever WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Happy Thanksgiving WATCH
A Minute with Mayor: A Look Back at 2013 WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: City vs County WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor – Valentine’s Day WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Wizard of Oz WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Kickers WATCH
A Minute with the Mayor: Shout out to Greenwood Calendar WATCH
Greenwood Eye Clinic WATCH
The Mill House: Feature WATCH
Howard’s on Main: Feature WATCH
Fin n Filet: Feature WATCH
Aromas Village Coffee WATCH
T.W. Boons: Feature WATCH
Painted Giraffe: Feature WATCH
Skateaway USA: Feature WATCH
Palmetto Treasures: T-Shirt Warehouse WATCH
Greenwood’s Army Navy Store WATCH
GCCF: Help Make Greenwood Even Better WATCH
Ward Painting Renovates Historic Train WATCH
Keep Greenwood Beautiful WATCH
Greenwood Chamber of Commerce readies for Centennial WATCH
Burton Center WATCH
XLR Lander University Radio WATCH
Greenwood Humane Society WATCH
Greenwood’s Growing WATCH
Greenwood Christmas Tree Lighting WATCH
Christmas Parade WATCH
Lander Homecoming Alumni WATCH
Lander Art Faculty Exhibit WATCH
Local landscape artist exhibit WATCH
Open Mic Night WATCH
Greenwood Genetics Center WATCH
Behind the scenes: Inn on the Square WATCH
County Council Chairman WATCH
Greenwood Partnership Alliance WATCH
Music on Maxwell Season Lineup WATCH
Uptown Live Concert Season WATCH
Ask the Greenwood Horticulturalist WATCH
City Manager on Uptown Construction WATCH
Greenwood Festival Chorale WATCH
Greenwood Food Drive WATCH
Greenwood Topiary: A Grand Tour WATCH
Cokesbury College Auction WATCH
Project Hope – Greenwood Humane Society WATCH
Big Oak Rescue Farm WATCH
Meg’s House Benefit WATCH
Shave for the Brave WATCH
Greenwood Country Club Tennis WATCH
Dave Mauldin Plays Natty’s in Abbeville WATCH
Honeybone WATCH
Local Musicians Jam at Howards WATCH
Ashby, Keller, Will at Howards WATCH
Pearl and the Beard at Music on Maxwell WATCH
Chris and Zay at Howards WATCH
Zombie at the Mill House WATCH
Jake and Ashby at Uptown Market WATCH
Live after 5 Steven Layne WATCH
Brown Sugar Substitute at Boons WATCH
Mark Webb at the Mill House WATCH
Ashby and Becky at the Mill House WATCH
Greenwood All Stars, KofC Fundraiser WATCH
The Colly Birds WATCH
Music on Maxwell: Willie Sugarcapps WATCH
Doc Brown at Boon’s WATCH
Cameron Dorn discusses Burpee World Record WATCH
LPGA: Symetra Tour Comes To Greenwood WATCH
Inn on the Square – Interview WATCH
Greenwood Murder Suicide WATCH
So long Piggly Wiggly of Greenwood WATCH
Greenwood Sherriff’s Office address violence WATCH
Snow in one man’s yard WATCH
Lander Film Festival Attracts Hollywood Big Wigs WATCH
TW Boons owner throws hat in ring WATCH
City Manager on Uptown Market WATCH
Two time National champ goes for Burpees World Record WATCH
Springfest Art and Music WATCH
2014 SC Festival of Flowers WATCH
Coming Soon: Grace Street Park WATCH
Interview: Jake Bartley WATCH
Ashby Stokes Interview WATCH
Greenwood City Fire 1 WATCH
Greenwood City Fire 2 WATCH
Greenwood City Fire 3 WATCH
Greenwood City Fire 4 WATCH
Greenwood YMCA WATCH
Parisi Farms at Uptown Market WATCH
Bio Way Farms at Uptown Market WATCH
Barefoot in the Park at GCC WATCH
Charlotte’s Web Children’s Theatre WATCH
Michael Genevie: The Rainmaker WATCH
Myra Greene discusses Grease at GCC WATCH
Grease at Greenwood Community Theatre WATCH
Peter Pan at Abbeville Opera House WATCH
Lander to present Animal Farm WATCH
It’s a wonderful life: Abbeville Opera House WATCH
Mousetrap WATCH
Wizard of Oz at GCC WATCH
Belles on their Toes at AOH WATCH
Seussical Jr: A Cambridge Academy Production WATCH
And if there’s something you want to see, please send an email to me at gwdcal@gmail.com – subject Greenwood Calendar Videos.