OMG. I still have visitors.
I have to admit I dreaded checking my stats. I went from 2 posts per day for five months to 2 posts per week for a few months to one post in the past 2 months.
I missed ya’ll.
I had a little surgery, and I’m recuperating – slow but steady. I will try to post a couple time a week for now. I can’t wait to visit all your blogs and read what’s been going on. If you get a minute let me know how you’re doing.
My friend and colleague Paul (over at the very excellent Paul’s World Of Funky Stuff) gave me a shock the other day. He was doing a podcast workshop for a group of faculty and students for me, and the talk rolled around to how to market yourself, and he gave me an awesome shout out. He said: Ask Dr. Rob, He hasn’t posted for 2 months, and he’s still getting lots of visitors.
I took a peak, and I was stoked (I think this is the first time I used that word). I feel like I threw a party and had to step out for a couple months. When I came back the party was still rock’n. Pass the dip, please.
Happy New Year!
rob! glad you’re back. i’ve been gone too for not nearly so good a reason… just… life and had the same dread to check these stats. visit me and i’ll visit you?
and hey, love what you’ve done with the surgery
how DO you do it (re visitors)?
You changed your hair just a little bit.
Glad to have you back.
Glad to hear you’re back
Oh and happy new year to you too 
Hi Rob! Sorry to hear about the need for surgery, but I hope you are on the mend and feeling back to your old self again soon. You look a little different than I remember!!? ha ha! I think you looked better before!
Happy New Year to you.
Hey Rob! Looking better than ever!
I hope you are feeling better.