Home » District 50 Summer School to be Virtual
District 50 Summer School to be Virtual
June 25, 2020
Greenwood School District 50 announced today that all elementary summer school for this year will be virtual. On Thursday morning, SCDHEC released a report to South Carolina schools districts of recent COVID-19 disease activity in our area. SCDHEC currently classifies Greenwood County as being High in Incidence Rate (Number of New Cases), Increasing in Trend Incidence Rate (Incidence Rate over a two week period), and High in the Percent Positive Rate (Percentage of individuals who tested positive over a two week period). Click here to see a copy of the report.
The SCDHEC report and recommendations from the State Department of Education’s Accelerate ED taskforce led to the district’s decision to not have face to face summer school. Elementary summer school students will receive additional information in the mail about virtual summer school. Students will pick up a book bag at Lakeview Elementary School on Tuesday, June 30th from 9 am – 11 am or 3 pm – 5 pm.
The district will continue to provide updates on the website and social media in regards to our plans for the upcoming school year.