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District 50 will receive an allocation of $27.9 million dollars in ESSER III funds

District 50 will receive an allocation of $27.9 million dollars in ESSER III funds

District 50 Covid

Greenwood School District 50 will receive an allocation of $27.9 million dollars in ESSER III funds. The federal government mandates that each local education agency (LEA) use at least 20% on learning loss using evidence based strategies. The remaining 80% can be spent in categories that include student support, safety, staff training & professional development, and other uses. To view all of the 15 spending categories, visit

Remember that you still have time to complete a survey that allows all stakeholders to provide their opinion on the spending of ESSER III funds. Click HERE to view and complete District 50’s ESSER III Public Survey and please encourage others to share their opinions!

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