Home » DHEC: Individual at Northside has Monkepox
DHEC: Individual at Northside has Monkepox
On Sunday, August 28th, Greenwood School District 50 learned of a potential case of monkeypox at Northside Middle School and contacted DHEC to determine next steps. DHEC has informed district officials that this was an isolated case and there were no close contacts. DHEC states there was no exposure at Northside and no reason for concern.
Due to this being an isolated case with no close contacts, DHEC has advised that the incident does not require widespread communications.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the DHEC Careline at 1-855-4SC-DHEC (1-855-472-3432). For more information on monkeypox, please visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/