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D50 Ready for Partial Solar Eclipse on April 8th

D50 Ready for Partial Solar Eclipse on April 8th

Greenwood School District 50 announced today that Monday, April 8 will remain a normal school day during the partial solar eclipse. The partial solar eclipse will occur from 1:30 p.m. 4:20 p.m. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun.

District 50 participated in viewing a total solar eclipse in August 2017 to provide students with an opportunity to view the once in a lifetime event. Since the eclipse will occur during part of dismissal, District 50 has purchased and will issue solar eclipse glasses with the ISO filter recommended by NASA.

Superintendent Glenn stated, “As a precaution, our district has purchased solar eclipse glasses for our students and staff to view this historic event. This is an excellent educational opportunity for our schools and a great teachable moment for our students. We would encourage parents to review the resources we have provided to ensure a safe viewing experience for our schools and community.”

D50 parents are asked to review the following instructions prior to the partial solar eclipse on April 8th:

  • If you don’t want your child to receive glasses, you may sign an opt out form at your child’s school.
  • If your child receives glasses, talk to them about the importance of NOT looking directly at the sun without these glasses on. Even looking at the sun through regular sunglasses, through tinted windows, or out regular bus or car windows can cause eye damage.
  • If you plan to dismiss your child, you will need to sign your child out of school by 1:00 pm.

For more solar eclipse resources, please visit the links below.

Eye Safety

Solar Eclipse Glasses

Eclipse Simulation

Opt-Out Form

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