Home » Curiosity Corner: Getting to know the lay of the land
Curiosity Corner: Getting to know the lay of the land
I am proud to announce that Curiosity Corner has found a home away from home in the blogsophere right here on Rob’s Megaphone. My friend and former colleague Dr. Jerry D. Wilson has been publishing his column: Curiosity Corner as a weekly newspaper column and has now graciously agreed to let me run Curiosity Corner. Let me know what you think. Feel free to contact Jerry as well. His contact information is included below.
Curiosity Corner
Getting to know the lay of the land
Dr. Jerry D. Wilson
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Lander University
Here’s a pop quiz on some curious geographical facts. See how many you know. Have your Atlas handy.
1. The longest, undefined boarder is between what two countries?
2. Does any part of Canada lie south of any of our states (neglecting Alaska)?
3. In what direction is Nova Scotia, relative to Maine?
4. Does Bermuda lie directly east of Florida?
5. Which continent lies in all four hemispheres — northern, southern, eastern and western?
6. Where is the one place that four state boundaries come together, and what are the states?
7. What is the largest state in area east of the Mississippi?
8. Does South America lie southeast or southwest of Savannah, Ga.?
1. United States and Canada, 5,527 miles long.
2. Yes, the southernmost part of Canada (Ontario Province) is south of the northernmost part of Pennsylvania and about 150 miles from the Mason-Dixon Line.
3. East.
4. No, Bermuda lies almost directly east of Charleston, S.C.
5. Africa, with the hemispheres defined by the equator and the Greenwich meridian.
6. “Four Corners,” the intersection of the borders of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
7. Georgia.
8. Southeast. Relative to a north-south line, almost all of South America lies east of Savannah.
C.P.S. (Curious Postscript): Without geography, you’re nowhere. Anon
Curious about something? Send your questions to Dr. Jerry D. Wilson, Science Division, Lander University, Greenwood, SC, 29649, or for e-mail, jerry@curiosity-corner.net. Selected questions will appear in the Curiosity Corner. © JDW
I love all that trivia. I was always interested in geography. It was a lot of fun.
I love Geography! This was a great little quiz!
And I got one wrong – Georgia… Hmmm
If it’s not presumptuous then I’d like to say welcome to your friend and co-blogger, Jerry. I like these short quizzes. They are fun and informative too. I got 5 out of 8 answers correct on this one and , of course, I aced the first 3 … lol
I’m looking forward to the development of curiosity corner. I think this is a marvelous idea. I’ve also had such a good experience with guest bloggers on my own blog that I’m sure you will have a great time working together.
Best wishes for happy blogging.
Nice! It’s great to see C.C. on Rob’s Megaphone. Keep up the good work.
I love those trivia questions! I learnt a lot today!
Ah, huh, Dr. Rob: I aced the Wilson test. Got 7 or the 8. I’m now recovering from my recent humiliation at your hand. Choose your weapons.
I love trivia, and well…….I am glad that maps have been invented!!!!
Cool trival geography. At one time Alaska was out northernmost, westernmost and easternmost state – then they moved the international date line – so much for easternmost now (yes I am full of useless info)