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Curiosity Corner

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Curiosity Corner


Dr. Jerry D. Wilson,

Emeritus Professor of Physics

Lander University


Question: Dr. Wilson. Please explain the origin of the phrase “a crack shot.” Thanks. (Asked by a curious hunter.)


Reply: When you shoot a pistol or rifle, you get a “crack,” but the phrase implies an accurate shooter. It seems that a “crack” was an old Scottish term for loud boasts or brags. Later in England, it started to mean the subject of a person’s boast, or something that was first-class or excellent. Hence, a person who was superbly accurate with a pistol or a rifle was a “crack shot.”


Along those lines, I recall a very admirable or favorable person being referred to as a “cracker jack.”


That was a short one. How about a geography lesson? I had a previous column on the continents. We say there are seven, but in Europe, they count six. North and South America are just America. Here are a couple questions for you to ponder. See if you know the answers before looking at the data, which I found interesting.


1. What are the three largest continents in land size? The three smallest?
2. What are the most populous continents?


Continents in land area:

1. Asia: 17,139,445 (square miles)
2. Africa: 11,677,239
3. North America: 9,361,791
4. South America: 6,880,706
5. Antarctica: 5,500,000
6. Europe: 3,997,929
7. Australia: 2,967,909


Continents in population:

1. Asia: 4,679,660,580 (Over 4 billion)
2. Africa: 1,373,486,472 (Over 1 billion)
3. Europe: 747,747,396 (including all of Russia)
4. North America: 596,591,192
5. South America: 434,260,138
6. Australia: 30,648,859
7. Antarctica: No permanent residents but up to 4000 researchers and personnel in the summer and 1000 in the winter


In addition, there are more than 15 million people who don’t live on a continent. Almost all of these people live in the island countries of Oceania, a world region, but not considered a continent.


C.P.S. (Curious Postscript): “Wisdom—knowledge tempered and strengthened by experience.” -A. Goodman


Curious about something? Send your questions to Dr. Jerry D. Wilson, College of Science and Mathematics, Lander University, Greenwood, SC 29649, or email Selected questions will appear in the Curiosity Corner. For Curiosity Corner background, go to

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