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Coronavirus: Precautions For At-Risk Groups

Coronavirus: Precautions For At-Risk Groups

Regarding Coronavirus, we know senior citizens and at-risk groups (or people with “underlying conditions”) are most vulnerable. And we know that to do our part to fight Covid-19, we need to practice “social distancing,” and to wash our hands frequently. But what extra steps do people in the vulnerable categories need to take?

It is important for people with health conditions to verify whether they are in an at-risk group to see how best to protect themselves. Be sure to check with your GP if you’re not sure of your status. If you are one of the 25 million in the U.S. who have asthma, for example, it is important to have an action plan.

Individual’s whose immunity is lowered by certain medical conditions or medicines need to know best practices for them.

According to the Center for Disease Control:

Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications

At-risk groups need to be careful to take extra precautions beyond those recommended to the general public to protect themselves and others. They should also be sure to maintain good health by continuing to eat well and get plenty of rest.

AARP offers suggestions for people to boost their immunity by reducing stress and inflammation. In 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System, AARP discusses the importance of vitamin D and offers a review a study on supplements

The HSE or the Health Service website for Ireland provides helpful advice to check and see how vulnerable citizens should protect themselves.

According to HSE, “It’s important you follow the advice for the group.” See More.

Here is an example of how an individual can take extra precautions relevant to their specific condition:

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