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Clearing space for the new Walmart

Clearing space for the new Walmart

Personally I’m excited about what else the new Walmart will bring to Greenwood.

New York Pizza and Pasta said they plan to move across the street from where they are now into a stand alone building.

What would you like to see near the new Walmart?

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View Comments (7)
  • I would like to know if our current Wal-Mart is closing or if we will have two stores? I keep hearing different things.

  • They can’t keep the current store stocked or registers open. How can they think about a second store. What we need is some competition like a Target.

    • I couldn’t agree more! So many people in Greenwood feel the exact same way. Whoever is responsible for bringing these new businesses in should take a survey on what the consumers want, before bringing them in. I bet a 2nd WalMart wouldn’t be on the list. I don’t go in that store unless I absolutely have to. Target would do GREAT. I’ve been hearing they are coming to Gwd for about 8 yrs now. All we ever get are pharmacies on every corner, burger joints and now we will have 4 new mattress stores within walking distance of each other on Mathis/72 by pass!?There are so many businesses that I, and a lot of people I know, drive all the way to Greenville and Anderson for, regularly. We are keeping up those counties.

  • Will be nice to have a store down this way,,,,,,hope they keep it stocked better than the one we have now…..

  • I have to agree with with Dawn, we don’t need another Walmart in Greenwood we need another store like Target or something to compete with the Walmart, maybe they would keep the one we have better stocked and cleaner too! There are never enough registers open and they seem to never have enough people working as it is. So why do they want to open another store?

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