Are you sitting down.
Rob’s Megaphone was awarded the
(cue drumroll)
Brillante Weblog Award!
I humbly accept this most awesome award
Much appreciation goes to my friend in blogdem: Skye B, who nominated me.
Skye’s wonderfully witty posts can be found on her blog: Ramblings of a Writer
The rules for this award are as follows:(1) Put the logo on your blog
(2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
(3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
(4) Add links to those blogs on yours
(5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
With the power vested in me as a Brillante Weblog Awardee, I would like to call special attention to seven blogs that deserve to bask in the glow of your attention. The one thread that connects these blogs is quality. These are simply great blogs. Everything else about them is as different as night from day. I hope you will visit each of them.
The Weakest Link: This blog has provocative, thoughtful posts on marketing and business. I read it for the joy of Erik’s writing. I do not seek to monetize my blog; I am just impressed by the wisdom of every post on the Weaklest Link. (You are the weakest link – good bye) 
Doc in the biz: Doc KC’s is all about positivity. “Think well to feel well.” Also check out
TheBigRuski Goes Healthy: I love to follow this journey of a humble man on his passionate often humorous quest for healthy living.
Amy Oops: Things Amy thinks are funny. You are guaranteed a laugh per visit.
The Curious Life of a Divorcee and other Adventures: Robin shares her life adventures as well as some wonderfully wacky stuff.
The Right Blue: Recounting a lifetime of ocean devotion. Come and be awe inspired by the final frontier.
hi!there..nice post..
thanks! I read yours daily
Congratulations! you deserve it
Hey Dr.Rob, Well I guess we both like Dr.KC’s blog, since we both nominated her..LOL! I am not even sure she knows about my nomination yet!
Anyways, I am glad you liked your award, and also thanks for nice compliments!
I loved the way you wrote your post, mine was blah, next to yours..:-)
Thanks again, Skye B.
This blog deserves much higher rankings. It is my favorite, and I visit many blogs. Congratulations!
Congrats! You definitely deserve it and thanks so much for nominating me.