Home » After the tornado: can’t we all just get along
After the tornado: can’t we all just get along
April 2, 2008
After the tornado – Greensburg, KS March 2008
The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy they named Ralphie. Someone had already taken him under their wing but weren’t equipped to adopt;
Ralphie, scared and starved, joined his rescuers…
I wouldn’t think anyting could live through this . . . but we were wrong.
This little lady also survived that wreckage.
Here she is just placed in the car – scared, but safe.
and then…they are no longer alone!
Instant friends, they comforted each other while in the car.
Add two more beagles found after that… the more, the merrier!
Oh boy, a new traveler to add to the mix… (note: the cat coming over the seat needing shelter…) now just how is this going to work??? – and remember they are all strange to one another
It’s going to work just fine, thank you very much!
Wow! The things we learn from our animal friends… If only all of mankind could learn such valuable lessons as this. Lessons of instant friendship. Of peace and harmony by way of respect for one another — no matter one’s color or creed. These animals tell you… ‘It’s just good to be alive and with others.’ Yes, it surely is. So… Live, Love Laugh. ! ‘Life’s a Gift… Unwrap It!’
What a wonderful story, this blog really needs some promoting and I’ll be glad to help.
Very nice. Love the story and pics.
Awwww. Love the pics, and the captions. What a great lesson to take from these dogs. Thanks for sharing this!
What a delightfully warming post. It’s as though all of these animals put their differences aside during a time of need. I agree..we can learn so much from them! Thanks for sharing…
Funny, same story and photos are used right after Hurricane Katrina in 2005… where these photos are actually from. Very popular email back then. Now it is being repackaged as Greenburg, Kansas Tornado! Why do people have to be stupid.
This is where the 2005 Katrina pet rescue photos are stored, taken by a professional photographer call Danakay: https://www.flickr.com/photos/danakay/sets/72057594054088045/
it was a really nice story …………..