Home » Greenwood County Takes Proactive Measures with Comprehensive Flood Study
Greenwood County Takes Proactive Measures with Comprehensive Flood Study
Greenwood, S.C. – Greenwood County is embarking on a comprehensive flood study aimed at identifying and understanding flood-prone areas within the County. The study, funded by the Capital Project Sales Tax, will play a crucial role in evaluating potential capital improvement options to reduce the frequency and severity of flooding. The study will focus on four watersheds: Curltail Creek, Rocky Creek, Sample Branch, and Stockman Branch.
The County has engaged the services of Woolpert, Inc. and Arbor Land Design, LLC to conduct data collection for this study. Woolpert, Inc. will begin preliminary observations of the watersheds, examining existing flood-prone areas and identifying potential areas of concern. Their survey will also include drive-by assessments of land uses in the watershed.
Arbor Land Design, LLC will contribute by collecting data related to culverts and obtaining elevations/dimensions of roadways and bridges. Field crews from both companies, identifiable by their company logos, will be working in various areas throughout the County to gather essential information for the study.
Residents owning property within the survey area are kindly requested to grant access to the field crews for the purpose of data collection. The cooperation of the community is essential in ensuring the success of this survey. Woolpert, Inc. will be hosting public meetings in March to update residents on the study’s progress and objectives. Meeting dates will be announced on Greenwood County’s website and various social media platforms.
Greenwood County, Woolpert, and Arbor Land Design appreciate the understanding and cooperation of residents in this important endeavor. For any questions or additional information, please contact Josh Skinner, Capital Projects Sales Tax Coordinator, at (864) 942-8691.