Home » Lander University Psychology Students Present at National APA Conference
Lander University Psychology Students Present at National APA Conference
When the American Psychological Association (APA) convened for its 2022 annual conference in Minneapolis, Minn., it included as presenters two graduates of Lander University who are now pursuing advanced degrees in psychology at other institutions.
Chelsea Davis, of Lexington, and Morgan Ferqueron, of Hodges, presented the findings of their respective research projects they completed as part of their undergraduate coursework at Lander. “I am so proud these two exceptional students got the opportunity to both present at and attend a national conference,” said Dr. Mandy Cleveland, professor of psychology and chair of the Department of Psychological Science and Human Services at Lander. “The opportunity for undergraduate students to work directly with faculty on research is truly unique. It is one of my favorite things about working at Lander.”
Ferqueron and Davis, who were both members of Lander’s Honors College, commented on how participation in the conference (which seldomly includes presentations from undergraduate students) provided them with the chance to exchange ideas and connect with other researchers in preparation for graduate studies. “Sharing our research was a great experience, but it was also really neat to be able to network with people in our field and listen to all the latest research,” said Ferqueron, who is now studying clinical psychology at the University of South Carolina Aiken. “I also got some great tips on how to best prepare for licensure as a therapist which was really helpful for my future career goals.”
Davis noted that the conference also forced her “to think outside of my comfort zone and deepened my understanding of what it means to ‘attend a conference.’” That groundwork has proven helpful as Davis is now studying sport and exercise psychology at Ball State University.
“Having the opportunity to conduct research, as well as present on the impact on athleticism on mental toughness, resilience, coping and COVID-19 adaptation was amazing,” Davis added.
Student travel to the 2022 APA National Conference was made possible in part by the Student Travel Grant Fund at Lander. The fund was started by Cleveland in 2021 along with the support of Dr. Boyd Yarbrough, vice president for Student Affairs at Lander, and helps offset the costs for students who travel to regional and national academic conferences. Those interested in making a donation to support the Student Travel Grant Fund may do so at www.lander.edu/give, or by sending a check payable to The Lander Foundation (Lander University, 320 Stanley Ave., Campus Box 6004, 29649), with “Student Travel Grant Fund” on the memo line of the check.