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Curiosity Corner: Handwriting on the Wall
Curiosity Corner
Dr. Jerry D. Wilson,
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Lander University
Question: Why do we say a person who doesn’t understand something “can’t see the handwriting on the wall?” (Asked by a curious column reader.)
Reply: The source of this comes from the Bible. In the Book of Daniel (Dan. 5:25-28), the Babylonian king, Belshazzar, looted the temple and was having a big feast, with wine being drunk from sacred goblets. A hand appeared and put some handwriting on the wall. No one could interpret it. Daniel was sent for and told the king that God had judged and condemned them.
Belshazzar was killed that night. Guess he saw the handwriting on the wall and still didn’t understand!
Question: Why do they call left-handed baseball players, “south paws?” (Asked by a curious lefty.)
Reply: This supposedly goes back to the early days of baseball, when diamonds were set up so that the batter always faced east. This way, the afternoon sun wouldn’t be in the batter’s eyes. (Hey, how about the outfielders?) So, if the batter was left handed, he and his “paws” were on the south side of the plate. Don’t know if this is true, but if so, I’d be a “north paw.”
And to round out this highly educational column, did you know…
Well, there you have it! We used to say a person had a lot of “Moxie,” meaning a lot of courage, gusto, etc. Am I the only one who remembers?
C.P.S. (Curious Postscript): “All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner.” -Red Skelton
Curious about something? Email your questions to Dr. Jerry Wilson at curiosity.corner@yahoo.com. Selected questions will appear in the Curiosity Corner.