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Greenwood Abbeville Coalition (GAC) Community Survey

Greenwood Abbeville Coalition (GAC) Community Survey

Greenwood Abbeville Coalition (GAC) Community Survey 

The Greenwood Abbeville Coalition (GAC) is asking community members to share their thoughts about the issues, needs, concerns, and suggestions for improvement in Greenwood and Abbeville Counties.

The information collected will help GAC with future programming and can also be shared with the appropriate community partners (who can address the issue best). The survey is anonymous. Those completing the survey have the option to register for a chance to win a Chick-fil-A gift card (you will only be contacted if you win).

If you live or work in Greenwood or Abbeville County, we need to hear from you!! The survey can be found at You can also go on the Greenwood Abbeville Coalition Facebook page and click on the direct link to the survey.

For more information about these events, or about the Greenwood Abbeville Coalition, please contact Teresa Roy at 864-227-1001 or


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