On Tuesday, September 8th from 2-3pm ET, we’re having a Twitter Chat with the Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness (@StampStigma). Follow along and participate using #SOSChat.
On Thursday, September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day, wear your Be the Voice, Out of the Darkness or other suicide prevention apparel and post a selfie to #StopSuicide on Twitter or Instagram (tag @afspnational in your tweet or Instagram post and you could win a prize!)
Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing graphics based on the results of our recent public opinion poll on mental health and suicide prevention. You can share the graphics below from our social media or download and start sharing now!
Let everyone know that you are part of the fight to #StopSuicide by wearing a Be the Voice tank top, tshirt or hoodie. Buy our Be The Voice merchandise today!
See and share our new resource: Talk Saves Lives
This season over 120,000 people will join over 300 Out of the Darkness Community Walk across the United States to raise awareness and funds as they walk with their neighbors, friends and family. Click here to join the movement.
Remember a loved one by creating a quilt square on AFSP’s Digital Quilt.
Our advocates work at the local, state and federal level to make mental health parity a reality. Learn more about how you could become an advocate here.
AFSP has over 20 education programs for students and educators. You can find out more about our educational programs here, and check with your local chapter to see what’s coming up in your area.
- The Interactive Screening Program (ISP) is an innovative, evidence-based way to reach people most at risk and connect them with the support, information, and help they need.
- More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention Education for Teachers and Other School Personnel teaches those who work in the schools about teen suicide and how they can help to prevent it.
- More Than Sad: Teen Depression educates teens to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression in themselves and others. The program helps to remove the stigma from depression by understanding it as an illness, promotes the importance and acceptability of seeking help, and demystifies the treatment process.
- Mental Health First Aid is an in-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis.