Home » WCFIBER has initiated a Digital Literacy Program in Greenwood County
WCFIBER has initiated a Digital Literacy Program in Greenwood County

WCFIBER has initiated a Digital Literacy Program in Greenwood County. WCFIBER has partnered with Greenwood Adult Education, GLEAMNS, and SC Works to conduct these classes. This program will cover basic operations of a computer, safety/security, and productivity within the digital world and will be free to the public. “These classes were developed as way for anyone interested to learn the necessary technology skills needed at home and at work and allow us, at WCFIBER, to give back to the community,” said Jeff Wilson CEO of WCFIBER. The classes will be held at the GLEAMNS Magic Johnson Center at SC Works located at 100North Hospital St., Greenwood, SC. The program will consist of three, two-hour classes to complete all the material. The classes will be held April 5-7, 12-14, and 19-21. This three-day class will last from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, daily. At this time there will be three offerings of this class. There is limited space for each class. To sign up for the program, contact Greenwood Adult Education at 864-941-5460.
Pictured from left to right: Kathryn Craven, GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission Director of Workforce Development; Travis Blizzard, Genesis Education Center Director of Adult Education; Stephen Taylor, WCFIBER Community Affairs/Economic Development Strategist.
More information about the Digital Literacy Program and future class dates will be available at www.wcfiber.net/DLP
The West Carolina Tel family of companies, including WCTEL, WCFIBER, and Upcountry Fiber, combine a tradition of service with the best technology available. Friendly, community-minded employees are committed to building a fiber network that is ready for whatever the future of technology may hold. The fiber optic network provides voice, data, video, security, and hosted business services in upstate South Carolina to include McCormick County, Abbeville County, and the city of Newberry as well as parts of Anderson County, Greenwood County, Oconee County, Pickens County, Greenville County, Spartanburg County, and Columbia County, GA. To find out more about West Carolina Tel, visit www.wctel.com. West Carolina Tel is designated as a nationally recognized Smart Rural Community and Certified Gig-Capable Provider by NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association.